- Lists
A list is an ordered collection of elements that are distinguished by their indices. List elements can be of any data type—primitive types, collections, sObjects, user-defined types, and built-in Apex types. - Sets
A set is an unordered collection of elements that do not contain any duplicates. Set elements can be of any data type—primitive types, collections, sObjects, user-defined types, and built-in Apex types. - Maps
A map is a collection of key-value pairs where each unique key maps to a single value. Keys and values can be any data type—primitive types, collections, sObjects, user-defined types, and built-in Apex types.
List – An ordered collection of Similar Data types. Every element in a list will be identified by a unique index. It allows duplicates
Index | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Value | Red | Blue | Orange | White | Green |
List<data type> variable;
List<String>strList; strList=new List <String>();
// Alternate way
List <String> colors=new list<String>(); colors.add('Red'); colors.add('Blue'); colors.add('Green'); System.debug('Colors added'+colors);
Output: Colors added(Red, Blue, Green)
List allows duplicate values
List <String> colors=new list<String>(); colors.add('Red'); colors.add('Blue'); colors.add('Green'); colors.add('Red'); System.debug('Colors added'+colors);
Output: Colors added(Red, Blue, Green,Red)
// Alternate way
List<String> colors=new List<String>{'Red','Green','Blue'};
Retrieve the color from that position…
Salesforce assigns index values to the list values automatically. List is a ordered collection.
Colors.get(2); Colors.get(1); String colour=colors.get(1); System.debug('Element in 2nd position'+colour); System.debug('Element in 1st position'+colors.get(0)); System.debug('Element in 3rd position'+colors.get(2));
How to find the size of the LIST?
ANS: Colors.size();
integer size=colors.size(); System.debug('Size of the list'+size);
Clears the elements from the list
colors.clear(); System.debug('Elements in the list now'+colors);
List is a ordered collection, similar data type and allows duplicates
List<Account> accList=new List<Account>(); Account a1=new Account(); a1.name='AxisBank'; Account a2=new Account(); a2.name='CitiBank'; Account a3=new Account(); a3.name='HDFCBank'; accList.add(a1); accList.add(a2); accList.add(a3); insert accList; System.debug('Elements in the List'+accList);
Using a single DML, a collection of records is inserted.
Error: Too Many DMLS 151 (If we cross the governor limit of 150 DML statements)
Whenever we point to a lookup field..go for ID
Custom Object
List <Employee__c> empList=new List<Employee__c>(); Employee__c e1=new Employee__c(Name='Mark',Position_set__c='a0B6F00001QKlIx'); empList.add(e1); Employee__c e2=new Employee__c(Name='Tom',Position_set__c='a0B6F00001QKlIx'); empList.add(e2); insert empList; System.debug('First Account'+accList[0]);
we can use like above instead of get.
Retrieving the values: SOQL – Salesforce Query Language should be inside [ ]
List<Account> accList=new List<Account>(); accList=[Select id,name from Account]; System.debug('Account List'+accList); List<Account> accList=new List<Account>(); accList=[Select id,name from Account]; Account a=[Select id,name,AccountNumber,Rating from Account limit 1]; System.debug('Account List'+accList); System.debug('Account details'+a); System.debug('Account name'+a.Name); System.debug('Account number'+a.AccountNumber); System.debug('Account Rating'+a.Rating);</pre>
All the fields that are shown in output must be retrieved in SOQL first or else
the error will be thrown.
Account a=new Account(Name='Amazon web services'); insert a; Contact c=new Contact(); c.LastName='Tst'; c.Accountid=a.id; insert c;
- An unordered collection of similar data types
- Set Does not allow duplicate elements.
Set<DATATYPE> variable;
Set<String> colorSet= new Set<String>();
SETS: doesnot allow duplicates, unordered collection, with similar data types
Set<data-type> variable=new Set<data-type>();
Set<String> Colorset=new Set<String>(); colorset.add('red'); colorset.add('blue'); colorset.add('green'); colorset.add('red'); System.debug('Elements in the List'+colorSet);
Output:Elements in the Set{blue, green, red}
Whenever we have to store ID’s we go for set (no dup).
size allowed
get method not supported
MAPS:Map<key, value> variable=new Map<key, value>();key and value are data types
Each value is identified by a key. values can be duplicate but key should be uniqueMap<integer,String> StrMap=new Map<integer,String>(); StrMap.put(1,'Red'); StrMap.put(10,'Green'); StrMap.put(50,'Blue'); StrMap.put(50,'Amber'); StrMap.put(250,'Green'); System.debug('Colors in the Map'+StrMap);Output: Colors in the Map{1=Red, 10=Green, 50=Amber, 250=Green}
Map.values -To map the values (List of values)
Map.keyset (set of keys)System.debug('List of colors is'+StrMap.values());
System.debug('Keys in the map'+StrMap.keySet());System.debug('Color for code 50 is'+strMap.get(50));
System.debug('Color for code 150 is'+strMap.get(150));List <String> fruits=new List<String>{'apple','orange','pineapple','jack'}; Iterator<String> itr=fruits.iterator(); while(itr.hasnext()){ System.debug('third fruit'+itr.next()); } for(String s:fruits) { System.debug('fruit'+s) ; }Set <String> flowers=new Set<String>(); flowers.add('rose'); flowers.add('lilly'); flowers.add('jasmine'); System.debug('flowers'+flowers); for(String q:flowers) { System.debug('loop flowers'+q); } Iterator<String> w=flowers.Iterator(); while(w.hasnext()) { System.debug('flowers'+w.next()); }
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